[WT-support] WT and VHF and UP contests
Karel Odehnal
odehnk at seznam.cz
Sat Apr 16 20:56:39 CEST 2011
Hello all,
I am trying the Win-test for European V-U-SHF contests.
I have problem with logging a report like 59S or 59A . Those reports are
used during Rainscatter or Aurora propagations and must be logged correctly.
How to do it? Is there anybody who knows it?
TNX and 73! Karel OK2ZI
This is the part from the IARU Region I. VHF managers handbook
8.8.7 IARU Region 1 Technical Recommendation TONE REPORTS
Vienna 2010
In order to give an indication of distorted tonal quality due to special
propagation modes, the 1-9 scale of
the Tonality (T) component of the RST reporting system will be extended
with the following:
"a" For signals distorted by auroral propagation
"s" For signals distorted by scatter propagation mechanisms
"m" for signals distorted by multipath propagation.
For example:-
599 - Good signal
58a - Fairly good Signal via Aurora
59s - Good signal via Scatter (e.g. Rainscatter)
1. Other letters may be defined in future should the need arise
2. This alternative system may be used for any mode e.g. CW, SSB, MGM etc
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