[WT-support] Using the partner window as a scratchpad when you hear multiple callsigns in a pileup
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Sep 30 08:14:56 CEST 2010
Using Ctrl-1 to 3? Ctrl-*n* does a *swap* between the logging window and
line *n* in the Partner window. Use Alt-1 to 3 instead, especially when the
logging line is blank.
If you press Ctrl-1 when the logging window is empty, Win-Test swaps the
blank line in the logging widnow the the callsing on line 1 in the Partner
window. The next Alt-Enter (or StackCalls) will put callsigns *after* the
last non-blank line in the Partner window
In sum, please use only Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3 instead of Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2,
Or even easier, just press Alt-1 each time to "pop" the stack of callsigns,
one at a time, until the list is empty.
Bob, N6TV
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 11:01 PM, Fabio I4UFH <i4ufh at libero.it> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> today had time to test ur new version, and everything is as expected, it
> works fine, i noticed only that if u fill the partner with
> 4 calls, and u pickup them with CTRL 1 to 3 emptying the partner window ,
> the next F12 filling don't start from row 1but from
> Row 3 and the callsign field is not filled with the last one. the behavior
> is different from 1st filling that if followed to an ALT TAB
> or first partner window opening.
> 73 de Fabio I4UFH
> Il giorno 30/set/2010, alle ore 04.53, Bob Wilson, N6TV ha scritto:
> On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 6:36 AM, Tõnno Vähk <Tonno.Vahk at gafm.ee> wrote:
>> The only thing I noticed is that I am using $SPACEBAR and cursor moves to
>> exchange field after I press INSERT. Now F12, callsign and ENTER activates
>> another ENTER and cursor moves back to the callsign field. That is wrong
>> because I need it to stay on exchange field to be able to enter exchange for
>> the first station.
>> Can you do so Bob, that ENTER to close StackCalls window is not
>> double-affecting the ordinary cursor position?
> First, thanks for trying it and for the kind words.
> I believe I have fixed the cursor problem that you reported. Please try
> the latest StackCalls.zip which you can download from
> http://bit.ly/wtscripts now.
> After running StackCalls (e.g. [F12]), the cursor will now be placed at the
> *end* of the callsign or exchange field, wherever it was in at the time
> that you invoked StackedCalls. This will work OK for CQ WW or other
> contests with a single exchange field. It will not necessarily put the
> cursor in the right place for contests with more than one exchange field. I
> can't make it perfect until new LUA APIs are added by Laurent that will
> provide a way for a Lua script get and set the exact position of the cursor,
> or directly store a callsign in the partner window stack, without having to
> simulate Alt-Enter.
> I've also fixed another problem that I noticed. I now make sure that the
> callsign field, if non-empty, will stay as it is, whether there are zero
> callsigns in the stack, or several. I had to "borrow" then 9th position in
> the Partner window to temporarily save the current callsign, so as long as
> you have 8 or less callsigns stacked, StackCalls should behave as expected.
> Please let me know how it goes.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
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