[WT-support] Using the partner window as a scratchpad when you hear multiple callsigns in a pileup

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Wed Sep 29 21:17:53 CEST 2010

2010/9/29 José Nunes CT1BOH <ct1boh at gmail.com>

> Is there a scripts library in the Win-test Documentatios?
> I just see a couple of examples there.

Until now there was no library of LUA script examples.

I have now copied all of the scripts I have written here:


See the Readme file in each .zip file for instructions.

Some scripts require the latest wt_dev
4.6.0<http://download.win-test.com/v4/nightly>to work properly.

   - K3scripts - ClearRIT, SwapVFO, RIT up/down, VFO up/down, Play K3
   internal DVK messages, keep K3 internal CW keyer paddle speed in sync with
   Win-Test (-1 or -2 WPM) - updated today
   - FT2000scripts - Same as above except for CW keyer scripts
   - FT1000scripts - ClearRIT, SwapVFO, VFOAtoB
   - AltDScripts3 - Developed for K0DQ, K5GA -- add TRlog style Alt-D dupe
   check on secondary radio, use spacebar to call
   - PlayDVK8and9 - Developed for ES5TV -- Play MK2R+ DVK messages 8 and 9
   (or any others 1-7)
   - StackCalls - Enter multiple callsign at once a stack them in the
   Partner window (for single-ops with big pileups)

I'm also working on some PSEQSY automated scripts for SO2R and multi-ops,
but they are not perfected yet.  When they are, I will add them to the
wtscripts directory.

Bob, N6TV
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