[WT-support] Little help with LUA-stuff
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Sep 14 12:13:42 CEST 2010
Ok here is version 2 (attached). You should be able to spin the Secondary
Radio dial while the PSE QSY is sending.
Save these two files to your /scripts directory (File | Explore | /scripts
directory), then assign to function keys using Tools | Scripts Manager.
PseQSY.wts (assign to F12, perhaps, or use #FREQS in the Alt-C messages):
-- PSEQSY - Send PSE QSY message to the frequency of the Secondary Radio,
-- to the nearest 100 Hz, 500 Hz, or 1 kHz.
-- Assign to: F8, F9, F10, or F12 or user choice.
-- Argument: none
-- Time-stamp: "14 September 2010 09:52 UTC"
-- Written by N6TV
wtKeyer:Play("-PSE QSY+ #FREQS(0)") -- Round to nearest whole kHz
-- wtKeyer:Play("-PSE QSY+ #FREQS(5)") -- Round to nearest 500 Hz
-- wtKeyer:Play("-PSE QSY+ #FREQS(1)") -- Round to nearest 100 Hz like
$FREQnn msgs variables
-- No further keystroke processing.
return -1
FreqS.wts (assign to F10, perhaps, to resend *only* the QSY frequency):
-- FreqS - Send the frequency of the Secondary Radio, to the nearest 100 Hz,
500 Hz, or 1 kHz.
-- Assign to: F8, F9, F10, or F12 or user choice, to send QSY FREQ only,
if asked for repeat.
-- Argument: 1, 5, or 0, meaning send the QSY frequency to the nearest 0.1,
0.5, or whole kHz
-- Default: 1 kHz (no fractions). Fuzzing rounding used (>=0.6
rounds up to next kHz).
-- Time-stamp: "14 September 2010 09:51 UTC"
-- Can be called from CW msgs or another script e.g. for 14020.6
-- wtKeyer:Play( "PSE QSY #FREQS(0)" ) -- To nearest kHz "14021"
-- wtKeyer:Play( "PSE QSY #FREQS(5)" ) -- To nearest 500 Hz "14025R5"
-- wtKeyer:Play( "PSE QSY #FREQS(1)" ) -- To nearest 100 Hz "14025R1"
-- Written by N6TV
-- Windows MessageBox constant
local QSYfreq = ""
local freqFrac = ""
local argErr = false
-- Get the VFO A frequency of the secondary radio
local freqS = wtRadioSecondary:GetFreq()
-- If VFO frequency obtained OK
if freqS ~= nil and freqS ~= 0 then
-- Split the frequency into the whole kHz and the fractional kHz, if any.
-- Pattern extracts any string of digits, followed by 0 or 1 decimal
point character,
-- followed by zero or one digit representing fractional kHz (e.g.
_, _, QSYfreq, freqFrac = string.find(freqS, "([%d]+)%.?([%d]?)")
-- If no fractional kHz is to be sent, round up if fractional part >= 0.6
if wtArg == nil or wtArg == "0" or wtArg == 0 then
if freqFrac >= "6" then
QSYfreq = QSYfreq + 1
elseif wtArg == "5" or wtArg == 5 then
-- Send "R5" only if freq ends with .4, .5, or .6, otherwise round up
or down
if freqFrac >= "7" then
QSYfreq = QSYfreq + 1
elseif freqFrac >= "4" then
QSYfreq = QSYfreq .. "R5"
elseif wtArg == "1" or wtArg == 1 then
-- Send Rn just like the $FREQnn message variables do
if freqFrac >= "1" and freqFrac <= "9" then
QSYfreq = QSYfreq .. "R" .. freqFrac
argErr = true
-- Play the secondary radio's frequency, 4 WPM slower than current CW keyer
wtKeyer:Play("--" .. QSYfreq .. "++ ?")
-- Finally, let the user know about any unrecognized arguments passed and
if argErr then
wtApp:MessageBox("Argument " .. wtArg .. " passed to LUA script " ..
wtCurrentScript .. " ignored. " ..
"Use 1 for 100 Hz, 5 for 500 Hz, or no argument for 1 kHz rounding.",
-- Reset global in case next call specifies no argument
wtArg = nil
-- No further keystroke processing
return -1
Please test and report if this works to your liking. If you don't like the
trailing question mark being sent, you can delete it. Unfortunately the "?"
can't be placed after the call to #FREQS(0) as Laurent already mentioned.
Bob, N6TV
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