[WT-support] CQWW 10 min rules

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Sep 13 16:46:23 CEST 2010

Hi Fabio

I4UFH a écrit :

> The ethics is another matter, here is asking a feature to avoid error, not all operators Are skilled  
> as you mean. A feature In a software is a function that help the operators to avoid errors.

As Win-Test can't detect today if the Enter key was pressed because a 
station has been worked *or* because the op has fat fingers, I chose my 
camp by not implementing this feature (be assured I thought about it 
when I modified the Status wnd).

If your ops have problems with the Ctrl-Enter keys, assign them another 
key to minimize risks, and assign the Ctrl-Enter keys to a script that 
returns -1 to make it inactive.


Larry - F6FVY

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