[WT-support] Feature Request for multi-ops: Send a "PSE QSY" message to pass multipliers

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Sep 13 10:55:00 CEST 2010

Hi Bob

Bob Wilson, N6TV a écrit :

> For example, if a networked radio is on 14021.99, and you hit a key 
> programmed to send PSE QSY $FREQ20, the message comes out as "PSE QSY 
> 14021R9" instead of just "PSE QSY 14022".

Without going into gory details, Win-Test always use frequencies 
truncated to 100 Hz. Thus, in all cases, 14021.99 is always displayed 
(and considered) as 14021.9.

> Could you please change the message variable behavior so that they 
> automatically round to the nearest *half kHz*, e.g. only send 14021, 
> 14021R5, or 14022, and nothing in between?
> It's hard enough to get many rare DX stations to understand QSY requests 
> as it is.  1/2 kHz should be close enough.  Only rarely would you need 
> to be any more precise than that.

Very honestly, if you accept to send a 1/2 kHz (...R5) freq, I don't see 
why you don't accept to send 100 Hz accurate frequencies (...Rn) ?

Of course we could imagine to add an option for that, but I consider we 
already have to many of them in Win-Test.


Larry - F6FVY

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