[WT-support] Advanced SO2R mode on phone doesn't work
Toni Lindén
oh2ua at oh2u.com
Thu Oct 21 12:00:32 CEST 2010
Hi Jose & Bob!
I also agree that CW and SSB should work the same, but please change
the CW logic not SSB logic!
I can clearly see that what Bob's suggesting may be good for QTH where
you have low rates and nothing happening on main radio. So it's OK to
hit the F1 after working something on 2nd rdio since there's nothing
going on on main radio.
BUT in DX location there's "always" something going on main radio. So
changing the locig as Bob suggest, would spoil the "advantaged" usag
of SO2R. Let me clar this out a bit. In TR alike behavior (I know your
a big fan of this Bob ;)) you have QSO going on on eiher main radio or
on 2nd radio. But with WT you can have QSO's going on both radios at
the same time (and in DX location this actually quite common because
most of the time someone's caling you).
So I have pileup on radio 1 and mult on radio 2. If I wait untill my
pileup's over, I "never" work station on 2nd radio.
I have to call the mult on 2nd radio at the same time someone's
calling me on main radio.
So I hit SHIFT F4 to call the mult and start typing the call on main radio
In this phase I often have time to give the report to main radio so I
say call and hit F2 (this would be the first time sending to wrong
band with Bob's logic).
The mult comes back to me while I've sent F2 to main radio so I hit
SHIFT F2 to send report to 2nd radio and at the same time get the
report from main radio and send TU to main radio.
Another scenario if I don't have 2 QSO's at the same.
Againg there's pileup on main radio and mult ready on 2nd radio.
I end a WSO on main radio sending TU and call mult SHIFT F4
There's gyus calling me on main radio but I ignore them and work the
mult since he came back to me, so I send SHIFT F2
I copy someone calling me on main radio and get the part of the call
or whole call and try to come back to this guy (and again my TX would
go to wrong band if using Bob's logic).
I hope you got the idea. I 100% understand what Bob's suggesting, but
I'd say that it's not good for high rate QTH. So I prefer using the
"*" if I need to sen something else that call and raport to 2nd radio.
73 de Toni
From: Jos? Nunes CT1BOH <ct1boh at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [WT-support] Advanced SO2R mode on phone doesn't work
well right now
To: support at win-test.com
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To sum up things.
We all agree that:
1. CW and SSB should work he same (there is a difference now)
2. The (Shift)/(caps on) that moves focus and the advanced SO2R scenarios
are working properly
We are discussion now what should happen when a manual transmission
occurs (CW paddle or Microphone).
As a matter of interest let me tell you that I do not use paddles in
contests. I don' even take one to Madeira CR3E. I learned long time ago that
paddle slow down the rate and it is an addiction having it on the side. If I
need to send manual CW I use ALT K. I never use manual transmission, and
only need it in case of QSY request, where specific QSY scenario fits my
When Bob says:
-"not quite"
to the question (Where should any manual transmission go? All the time to
the primary radio, and it is up the op to control that with "*", with the
exception that after pressing a message key if you send something more, the
output goes to the highlighted secondary radio")
and explains his idea by saying:
- The output of a manual transmission (sending by paddles or speaking into
the mic.) should go to the *last* radio where a message was sent, which can
be either the primary or secondary radio. The star key can be used to
override this default behavior.
I also say not quite
In a simple scenario configuration where for instance you send (shift + F10
and F10=pse QSY 10?) to send the content of F10 to secondary radio, N6TV
proposal of any next transmission should go to the last radio where a
message was sent, seems to be OK
BUT in a more complex scenario configuration where for instance you send
(shift+ F10 and F10=PSE QSY 10? $TR2 $F4) then with N6TV proposal using the
paddle after the last message was sent would send CW paddle transmission to
the wrong radio....
I prefer simple things.
In that regard I prefer to control manual (paddle or mic transmission) by
pressing * and thus deciding which radio to route manual transmission.
But as I said in the beginning I don't use paddles I use Atl+k and I like to
use the * to send the TX to the radio I want...
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net> wrote:
> 2010/10/20 Jos? Nunes CT1BOH <ct1boh at gmail.com>
>> The point now is, by definition
>> Where should any manual transmission go?
>> All the time to the primary radio, and it is up the op to control that
>> with "*"
> No
>> All the time to the primary radio, and it is up the op to control that
>> with "*", with the exception that after pressing a messaeg key if you send
>> something more, the output goes to the highlighted secondary radio
> Not quite.
> The output of a manual transmission (sending by paddles or speaking into
> the mic.) should go to the *last* radio where a message was sent, which
> can be either the primary or secondary radio. The star key can be used to
> override this default behavior. This works OK on CW right now, but it
> doesn't work the same on phone. It looks like we agree that this is a bug
> (on phone).
> One of the things that make's Win-Test's Advanced SO2R feature difficult to
> use is that there is no way to immediately move the paddles or mic. to the
> "left" or "right" rig except to hit star, which unfortunately swaps the
> windows. Suddenly the right-hand window controls left-hand radio, the
> left-hand window controls the right-hand radio, and the brain starts to get
> really confused.
> As I have proposed before, two symmetrical logging areas (left rig and
> right rig), similar to N1MM, would make Win-Test a lot easier for SO2R
> operating, I believe.
> See
> http://www.kkn.net/~n6tv/ProposedNewSO2RMainLoggingWindow.PNG
> for one mock-up.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
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Jos? Nunes
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