[WT-support] Advanced SO2R mode on phone doesn't work well right now
José Nunes CT1BOH
ct1boh at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 11:25:46 CEST 2010
To sum up things.
We all agree that:
1. CW and SSB should work he same (there is a difference now)
2. The (Shift)/(caps on) that moves focus and the advanced SO2R scenarios
are working properly
We are discussion now what should happen when a manual transmission
occurs (CW paddle or Microphone).
As a matter of interest let me tell you that I do not use paddles in
contests. I don' even take one to Madeira CR3E. I learned long time ago that
paddle slow down the rate and it is an addiction having it on the side. If I
need to send manual CW I use ALT K. I never use manual transmission, and
only need it in case of QSY request, where specific QSY scenario fits my
When Bob says:
-"not quite"
to the question (Where should any manual transmission go? All the time to
the primary radio, and it is up the op to control that with "*", with the
exception that after pressing a message key if you send something more, the
output goes to the highlighted secondary radio")
and explains his idea by saying:
- The output of a manual transmission (sending by paddles or speaking into
the mic.) should go to the *last* radio where a message was sent, which can
be either the primary or secondary radio. The star key can be used to
override this default behavior.
I also say not quite
In a simple scenario configuration where for instance you send (shift + F10
and F10=pse QSY 10?) to send the content of F10 to secondary radio, N6TV
proposal of any next transmission should go to the last radio where a
message was sent, seems to be OK
BUT in a more complex scenario configuration where for instance you send
(shift+ F10 and F10=PSE QSY 10? $TR2 $F4) then with N6TV proposal using the
paddle after the last message was sent would send CW paddle transmission to
the wrong radio....
I prefer simple things.
In that regard I prefer to control manual (paddle or mic transmission) by
pressing * and thus deciding which radio to route manual transmission.
But as I said in the beginning I don't use paddles I use Atl+k and I like to
use the * to send the TX to the radio I want...
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net> wrote:
> 2010/10/20 José Nunes CT1BOH <ct1boh at gmail.com>
>> The point now is, by definition
>> Where should any manual transmission go?
>> All the time to the primary radio, and it is up the op to control that
>> with "*"
> No
>> All the time to the primary radio, and it is up the op to control that
>> with "*", with the exception that after pressing a messaeg key if you send
>> something more, the output goes to the highlighted secondary radio
> Not quite.
> The output of a manual transmission (sending by paddles or speaking into
> the mic.) should go to the *last* radio where a message was sent, which
> can be either the primary or secondary radio. The star key can be used to
> override this default behavior. This works OK on CW right now, but it
> doesn't work the same on phone. It looks like we agree that this is a bug
> (on phone).
> One of the things that make's Win-Test's Advanced SO2R feature difficult to
> use is that there is no way to immediately move the paddles or mic. to the
> "left" or "right" rig except to hit star, which unfortunately swaps the
> windows. Suddenly the right-hand window controls left-hand radio, the
> left-hand window controls the right-hand radio, and the brain starts to get
> really confused.
> As I have proposed before, two symmetrical logging areas (left rig and
> right rig), similar to N1MM, would make Win-Test a lot easier for SO2R
> operating, I believe.
> See
> http://www.kkn.net/~n6tv/ProposedNewSO2RMainLoggingWindow.PNG
> for one mock-up.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
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José Nunes
CONTEST CT1BOH - http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh
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