[WT-support] Speed jumps up occasionally
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Nov 30 20:36:31 CET 2010
I assume you use a lot of "+++" and "---" in your scripts? Which WinKey
chip version are you using? (Win-Test reports WK Version detected it at
start-up at the bottom of the logging window).
The last time I looked at a WinKey communications log, which you can produce
using the microHAM Router [SET] button next to the Winkey port, I saw that
Win-Test can sometimes issue [Cancel Buffered Speed Change] commands (1E)
between every letter sent.
According to a private note from K1EL, copied to Oliver and Laurent last
"All the buffered speed cancels are troubling, the application should keep
track of speed changes and only issue commands when they are really
warranted. While WKUSB is able to handle them it chews up a ton of CPU
bandwidth to constantly invoke all the math calls that are required."
So there could indeed be a problem with the way Win-Test is sending commands
to the WinKey.
BTW, using "+++" and "---" will usually make it somewhat harder for CW
Skimmers to figure out your code speed and your callsign. I've decided not
to use them any more and I've had no issues with WinKey speed jumps.
Bob, N6TV
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 10:55 AM, "Jörg Hochheimer, DL6ZBN"
<dl6zbn at gmx.net>wrote:
> Hi Bob and folks,
> hmm... I didn't touch the CW speed knob on my MK2 at all during the
> contest. Just used ALT-F9/F10 and the ++ and -- commands in the WT CW
> messages, but every now and then, the ++ AND(!) the consecutive -- was
> ignored by WT or WK or MK2 or whatever... it just stayed at the original
> speed. And then, for the next couple of messages, it was doing as designed,
> just till it failed again. Speed pot min setting for WK inside the MicroHam
> Device Router is 15, max is 40, and in WT I used speeds from around 25 to 35
> wpm. So this was well within the bounds, thus it should have been OK,
> according to your suggestion, Bob.
> I have tried the "CW message and paddle speeds" both set to "Independent"
> or "Synchronized", and the speed settings set to both "Only by the WinKey
> pot" or "Only by the WT commands...", and it occurs in each of those
> settings.
> I know, that is somewhat different to George's problem, but our effects may
> have a common cause.
> Using WT 4.7.0-dev Rev. 458 and MicroHAM Device Router 7.7.1.
> Best 73s de Joerg, DL6ZBN
> Am 30.11.2010 05:17, schrieb Bob Wilson, N6TV:
> See this post<http://www.f5mzn.org/pipermail/support/2008-May/075776.html>for some history about this issue.
> Bottom line, Win-Test assumes a speed pot range of 20 WPM to 60 WPM. If
> you use any other ranges, the speeds can get out of sync. When you change
> speed with Win-Test, the POT does *not* move to track the new speed, so
> its position is immediately out of sync. Slightly touching it or some other
> vibration might cause a resync to pot speed, and a speed jump.
> All WinKey / Win-Test speed jump issues go away if you forget about
> touching the speed knob and only use Win-Test to change speeds, that is, use
> "the only by the Win-Test commands" option in Options | Winkey
> configuration<http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Menu:Options#WinKey_configuration...>
> .
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 6:21 AM, <Georgek5kg at aol.com> wrote:
>> Here is a question for both the WT and Microham support reflectors:
>> I find that occasionally the speed will jump up many wpm when I send a "TU
>> K5KG" message from the "+" key. I will be running and running, and sending
>> TU K5KG with the + key QSO after QSO. Then, every now and then, when I send
>> TU K5KG from the + key, the speed will jump up to lightning fast (maybe 50
>> wpm). I'd appreciate any ideas as to why this happens, and what to do to
>> prevent it.
>> Here is my current set up: Microham CW Keyer, WinTest 4.6, K3. Although,
>> this is my current set up, the speed jump up also happened with WT 3.n and
>> an Icom Pro3. Bottom line, it has been happening for several years. The
>> common elements seem to be WT and the CW Keyer.
>> 73, George, K5KG
>> George Wagner, K5KG
>> Sarasota, FL
>> 941-400-1960 cell
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