[WT-support] Speed jumps up occasionally
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Nov 30 05:17:07 CET 2010
See this post <http://www.f5mzn.org/pipermail/support/2008-May/075776.html>for
some history about this issue.
Bottom line, Win-Test assumes a speed pot range of 20 WPM to 60 WPM. If you
use any other ranges, the speeds can get out of sync. When you change speed
with Win-Test, the POT does *not* move to track the new speed, so its
position is immediately out of sync. Slightly touching it or some other
vibration might cause a resync to pot speed, and a speed jump.
All WinKey / Win-Test speed jump issues go away if you forget about touching
the speed knob and only use Win-Test to change speeds, that is, use "the
only by the Win-Test commands" option in Options | Winkey
Bob, N6TV
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 6:21 AM, <Georgek5kg at aol.com> wrote:
> Here is a question for both the WT and Microham support reflectors:
> I find that occasionally the speed will jump up many wpm when I send a "TU
> K5KG" message from the "+" key. I will be running and running, and sending
> TU K5KG with the + key QSO after QSO. Then, every now and then, when I send
> TU K5KG from the + key, the speed will jump up to lightning fast (maybe 50
> wpm). I'd appreciate any ideas as to why this happens, and what to do to
> prevent it.
> Here is my current set up: Microham CW Keyer, WinTest 4.6, K3. Although,
> this is my current set up, the speed jump up also happened with WT 3.n and
> an Icom Pro3. Bottom line, it has been happening for several years. The
> common elements seem to be WT and the CW Keyer.
> 73, George, K5KG
> George Wagner, K5KG
> Sarasota, FL
> 941-400-1960 cell
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