[WT-support] CW message
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Nov 23 20:10:02 CET 2010
If you do not want to use ESM (Enter Sends Message) mode:
1. MSGS [Enter] (to program CW messages)
2. Change S&P message F4 to:
3. *Remove* $QSOB4 from the RUN message for the INSERT key
4. Click on the *Options* tab
5. Change *$QSOB4 before macro sends* to (blank)
6. Click [OK]
7. NOWORKDUPE [Enter] (to activate the $QSOB4 macro)
Now, when you press F4 to call a station, nothing will be sent if it is a
If you want "QSO B4" to be sent when running and called by a dupe, but
nothing to be sent when you press F4 in S&P mode to call a dupe, one would
have to create a QSOB4 Lua script that tests for the mode (run or S&P) and
dupe status, and plays the correct CW message. Making this script work for
phone would be more difficult, because there is no direct DVK equivalent of
wtKeyer:Play( ... ) for voice messages, and no standard "QSO B4" message for
Bob, N6TV
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Andy Starchevskiy UB0A <ub0a at bk.ru> wrote:
> Hi, Bob!
> Yes, it works.
> But I do not want to use a mode of search.
> If it works by ENTER, means there is a command of programming. Why I can
> not it apply on a function key?
> 1. RUNSP [Enter] (enables RUN/S&P switching)
> 2. ESM [Enter] (enables Enter Sends Message Mode)
> 3. Windows | Clock ( makes "RUN" or "S&P" mode visible )
> 4. Press Ctrl-Tab to toggle from RUN to S&P mode
> 5. Type a callsign and press Enter. If it is a dupe, nothing happens,
> otherwise Win-Test sends your callsign.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> 2010/11/24 Andy Starchevskiy UB0A <ub0a at bk.ru>
>> I use WL. I want to try WT.
>> How to program CW message, that, if dupe, the message did not work?
>> For example in WL it so: %B%Bub0a. Probably it in WT?
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