[WT-support] Questions
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Sun Nov 7 16:32:49 CET 2010
Hi Sietse
Sietse Anema a écrit :
> 1. I have used my Ft2000 last week and saw both VFO frequencies in the
> bandmap. But today I used my FT847 and only saw the frequency of the
> active VFO. Is this correct?
It is normal, because of the limitation of the CAT protocol of this radio.
Quote from the release file (v2.2.1 !!!) :
> - Rig FT-847 support added. Note that the CAT system of the '847 does
> not support the Split mode nor switching between VFO A and VFO B.
> For this reason, the VFO B is disabled in the radio window.
> Many thanks to VK6NU and EA3IN for their help!
> 2. I thought that when Idouble clicked on a station in my bandmap
> during the CQWW the rig changed to the right frequency and als the call
> was in the log screen ready for report and enter. But today I could
> double click in my bandmap and the only thing what happened was the rig
> changed to the right frequency but the call wasn't in the log screen. I
> had to manually enter it in the log screen. Is this correct?
Check the properties dialog of the Bandmap window. There is one option
to prevent the automatic fill. Maybe it's checked.
> 4. I have version 4.5.1. installed now, but how do I upgrade Wintest to
> 4.6. Is it just installing 4.6 on top of 4.5.1. I don't see an upgrade
> function in Wintest?
Just install on top the previous version.
Larry - F6FVY
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