[WT-support] ESM enable/disable hot key ?
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Sun May 16 04:54:57 CEST 2010
I don't see any way to program a *single* key that toggles ESM ON and OFF,
because to do that you need a function like wtApp:IsModeESM(), but it
doesn't exist.
But you *can* assign one hot key to turn ESM ON, and another hot key to turn
The text commands
enable or disable ESM mode. You can issue any text command from a LUA
script via:
and you can assign any LUA script to a function key or Ctrl/Alt key via the
Win-Test Scripts Manager.
But it think it's probably easier to just type ESM [Enter] or NOESM [Enter]
in the callsign field.
Bob, N6TV
On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 6:39 PM, Steve London <n2icarrl at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a hot key to enable/disable ESM ? Or is Tools->Data Entry the only
> way ?
> Thanks and 73,
> Steve, N2IC
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