[WT-support] Switch active radio
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Sun May 9 23:56:15 CEST 2010
> On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 1:40 AM, JQ1BVI <jq1bvi at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was using WT3 for a long time.
> The version finally improved to WT4. However, two problems were caused.
> I guess that this problem happens in
> the environment of Japan (two bytes).
> *Win Test4.4.0
> *WinXP SP3
> *MK2R + device Router7.6.1
> 1.The Alt-* (Alt-)key cannot be used.
> (An active radio is switched. )
> However, it is possible that the mouse from frequency puts up the window to
> the change.
These all work fine for me with WT4 and MK2R+.
The default key is Numeric Keypad [*], not Alt-* or Shift-*. See
> 2.The Ctrl-S key cannot be used.
> (Frequency is exchanged with both redios. )
Perhaps you used DEFINEKEYS (Tools, Redefine keyboard
with WT3 to remap these keys?
You may need to define these keys again, or you can try copying the
[RedefinedKeys] section of the old WT3 wt.ini file to the new WT4 wt.ini
file, using a text editor such as Wordpad.
The old WT.INI file is in C:\Program Files\Win-Test
To find the new WT.INI file, open WT4 and select File | Explore | /cfg
The default keys are:
Numeric Keypad [*]: Swap main radio with secondary radio (Radio 1 / Radio
Ctrl-S: Swap freq. / mode between Radio 1 and Radio 2 (avoid using this if
you have any manual-tune amplifiers in use, or else you could easily damage
your amplifier or radio).
If you are using a regular full-sized keyboard with a separate numeric
keypad on the right, the asterisk key on that keypad should swap radios OK.
If you are using a laptop keyboard, special steps are required to remap the
[*] key.
See this new section of the
that I just added today, which explains better how to get the function of
PLUS and ASTERISK copied to more accessible keys.
Are you using the LPT connection to your MK2R+ or USB only? If USB only,
you have to define *COMn: microHAM MK2R/MK2R* in Win-Test 4 Interface
configuration, where *n* is the COM port defined as your microHAM "Control"
port in the Router program.
If you still cannot get it to work, please send me screen shots of the
1. Win-Test Interface Configuration screen
2. Win-Test LPT configuration screen
3. Win-Test Tools | Redefine keyboard keys screen
4. microHAM Router's Port tab
5. microHAM Router's SO2R tab
See also this page<http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/SO2R/MK2R/Setup#Setting_up_the_MK2R_for_use_with_Win-Test>for
examples of how to configure the MK2R+ for use with Win-Test.
Bob, N6TV
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