[WT-support] V 3.27 DEV
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Mar 26 11:17:33 CET 2010
Bob Wilson, N6TV a écrit :
> I can find no evidence that the cut number / oblast problem has been
> fixed in any copy of Win-Test Version 3. The V3 release.txt file
> <http://download.win-test.com/v3/nightly/release.txt> has not been
> updated.
The latest dev fixes this issue, even if the release file is not updated.
As we don't support v3 anymore, no packaged version is available.
> 1. http://download.win-test.com/files/country/ doesn't contain a file
> named OBLASTS.DAT, though it is being distributed with Win-Test V4
> full install
It is located in
> The CTY_OBL.DAT file at http://download.win-test.com/files/country/
> hasn't been updated since 2006 despite the note in release.txt v 3.11
> (from 2007) that it will be updated.
CTY_OBL.DAT updated in the downloads directory.
Larry - F6FVY
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