[WT-support] chronological order MM ZW5B

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Mar 8 13:15:36 CET 2010

Hi Oms

py5eg a écrit :

> Now asking the program to generate the cabrillo, shows a message

Could you please indicate the content of this (error ?) "message" ?

> I don´t understand that, because we operated with 3 setup swapping different bands on each station.
> What can we do??

1/ Check the time of all your machines is correctly set : Especially the 
time zone. Win-Test computes the UTC time from the local time of the 
machine _ASSUMING_ the time zone is correctly set.

2/ Ensure you had one MASTER only (contest settings dialog), that 
distributes time for the whole LAN. Normally, this option is no more 
useful if you're sure that all machines have correct time, but in your 
case it could prevented the issue you're describing.

3/ To reorder chronologically your log (based on the QSO time in 
Win-Test), do a "self-merge".


It is STRONGLY advised to do a backup before proceeding.

4/ If you need to "shift" time for several Q (time zone error etc.), use 
the Tools / Time shifting menu. It is the purpose of this tool, and not 
to cheat, contrary to what I read someday on one contest list, by a 
well-intentioned poster.

It is also STRONGLY advised to do a backup before proceeding.


Larry - F6FVY

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