[WT-support] CW and PTT from different sources
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Wed Jun 2 23:49:00 CEST 2010
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 12:36 PM, <sm5ajv at qrq.se> wrote:
> As long as you are sending canned messages the PTT should work as follows:
> 1. Before the first character of the message is sent the PTT should be
> active using LEAD TIME before the actual message is started
> 2. The PTT line should be active during the ENTIRE message.
> 3. When the messages is over the PTT-line should be inactive, immediately
> or x ms later using TAIL TIME.
> The benefit of the above PTT-scenario is that there will not be any
> switching
> of TX-RX-TX during the transmission of the message, regardless of sending
> speed.
If you send CW messages with the internal Win-Test Keyer via a real LPT port
or COM port keying circuit, I believe it works just as you describe as long
as both a keying line and a PTT line are wired from the port to your radio.
If you must use the WinKey, you can set PTT Lead and Tail Time in the WKSETUP
dialog <http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Menu:Options#WinKey_configuration...>.
If you enable the WinKey 2 features, you can set the PTT Tail to 2 letter
spaces (6 bauds)
You can also set the "CT Space" options (word space = 6 bauds instead of
7). Then I don't think there will be any PTT drop-out between letters.
But perhaps it will not return to receive immediately, at the end of
message. I think the problem is that Win-Test sends one character at a time
to the WinKey, so the WinKey doesn't know exactly when "end of CW" has been
reached and it must wait to see if there are any more characters to send
before dropping PTT.
What type of radio do you have? You could perhaps send commands to the
radio, via LUA scripts, to enable PTT at the beginning of a CW message, and
immediately disable PTT at the end of a message.
PTTON.wts (for Elecraft K3):
PTTOFF.wts (for Elecraft K3):
Then in your CW messages, call these scripts as follows:
You would also want to assign PTTOFF.wts to the Escape key and have the
script set RC=0 to continue with normal ESC key processing.
But I haven't tested this.
Is this possible to achieve with the current versions of WT and WK?
> Is it possible to do this with the a WK embedded in a microHam device?
MicroHAM has its own additional PTT configuration options in addition to the
WinKey PTT options (PTT, QSK, etc.); see the PTT Tab.
Bob, N6TV
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