[WT-support] REF Contest MULTI-OP and Band Change
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Sun Jan 10 22:46:59 CET 2010
FYI, after a contest, if you find a band change violation or mult station
violation, or an operating time violation, just leave those QSOs in your log
and let the log checking software deal with it. It is considered very poor
sportsmanship to remove completed QSOs from your Cabrillo log or to change
timestamps ("rubber clock") so that the log fits the rules. Removing QSOs
is especially bad since the "other guy" gets a "Not In Log" penalty. Some
contest sponsors may decide to disqualify a log when it is obvious that
there were a lot of valid QSOs that were deleted.
Of course it is OK to fix the timestamp of the very last QSO in a log,
assuming the QSO was started before operating time expired, or to fix
timestamps if your PC clock was way off,
but those are about the only exceptions I can think of.
Bob, N6TV
On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Laurent HAAS - F6FVY <f6fvy at free.fr>wrote:
> Hi Yann
> Yann - F1NGP a écrit :
> > Could you tell me if it's possible to block the band change during the
> > 15 minutes rule after the last QSO ?
> In a general manner, Win-Test never blocks the user, except for filling
> minimal data in the QSO fields.
> It is the user's responsibility to read or check the rules, and use the
> rate window (Alt-R) or status window (Alt-J) in case of the "mult
> station" 10-minute rule for some contests.
> 73
> Laurent - F6FVY
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