[WT-support] Opening new log for TX4T...but...!
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Feb 5 11:52:34 CET 2010
Hi Nigel
Nigel G3TXF a écrit :
> How can "TX4T" be added to Win-Test's country-files so that
> it does recognise it (as Tahiti) and then allow me to open a
> new log?
Add it in the country file you're using.
1/ Check the country file you're currently using by checking Options /
Data files / Country files.
2/ Open the directory by using File / Explore / Country files directory
3/ Edit the cty*.dat file you're using and add "=TX4T" (no quotes) in
the prefixes list of French Polynesia so the line becomes :
Larry - F6FVY
PS: Bon voyage !
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