[WT-support] PTT testing

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Sat Dec 11 18:26:38 CET 2010

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 4:59 AM, <w8zn at comcast.net> wrote:

> Is there a way in Wintest for the program to test for a PTT closure from a
> footswitch to cancel auto-CQ's instead of hitting the ESC key?

No, not to my knowledge.  But you don't have to hit the Esc key to cancel a
repeating CQ.  Just type any letter or number, such as the first part of a
callsign, and that immediately stops any repeating CQ.

You *could* purchase a USB footswitch, and then program that footswitch to
simulate the ESC key. That would also do what you want.

I assume you would almost never want to use an actual PTT footswitch to halt
a repeating CQ, because even closing the PTT momentarily would mean you
would miss a dot or dash of the station that was answering your repeating

Bob, N6TV
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