[WT-support] Speed jumps up occasionally
sm6fud at telia.com
Thu Dec 2 20:23:05 CET 2010
Hello fellow HAM's
I'm in the same row as Pablo.
This is a really "old" issue not isolated with the use of Win-Test.
I've had quite a lot of different softwares for contesting during my years
on air.
Just skip the increase and decrease of speed in the messages using the +/-.
Working high speed in RUN does make it awkward when sudden jumps in speed
darts into a dazzling speed.
Many opr nowadays tend to go high speed CW to keep the rate at its top. As
long as the speed isn't too fast to be copied it really doesn't matter that
sudden jumps occur, does it? I figure that any operator doing CW at a such a
fast rate that copying his own sigs is allmost impossible may also feel the
nervous stretch when a sudden jump occur (what was that?).
Well, I don't care and I've had this jumping issue for years with Writelog
as well as Win-Test. I use both softwares due to some reasons. It occurs and
in between everything works perfect.
Weather transmissions from certain coast radio services (many) years ago had
a rolling speed to save transission time. That worked too!
73's - Bengt SM6FUD
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pablo - EA4TX" <ea4tx at ea4tx.com>
To: <support at win-test.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 11:14 AM
Subject: [WT-support] Speed jumps up occasionally
> Hi all,
> I don't remember if it was the first time reported, but I sent an email to
> this reflector on July 15, 2007 about the same problem. Some days later,
> Zoli - HA1AG confirmed it.
> As it has been already explained, the reason for this problem is the ++
> and
> -- (special commands) during a message, example ++TU-- EA4TX
> If those commands (++ & --) are removed from the message, not problem is
> detected any more.
> I have tested 3 different WinKey interfaces and ***ALL*** them have had
> the
> same problem: MicroHam WK or WK-2 and also WKUSB.
> So since many years, I removed ++ and -- commands from all my messages.
> I think that the problem is located at the WinKeyer IC, and maybe because
> it
> lost the command for changing to the "normal speed".
> 73's Pablo - EA4TX
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