[WT-support] Speed jumps up occasionally
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Dec 2 11:24:43 CET 2010
Hi Bob
Le 02/12/2010 02:42, Bob Wilson, N6TV a écrit :
> Now that I look at DL6ZBN's Winkey log a little closer, it does seem
> that Win-Test is doing something strange.
> Maybe the Winkey only "cancels" the prior change
> speed buffered command (to 25 WPM) when it sees that, leaving the keyer
> at 33 WPM. Maybe the command is ignored if the buffer is empty when the
> command is received? Maybe someone Winkey chip versions handle the 1E
> command better than others?
> Maybe Win-Test should just issue an /unbuffered/ Change Speed command
> <02> at the beginning of every message, or whenever the Escape key is
> hit, before it sends anything else, as a quick fix for these speed jump
> problems.
Maybe we could wait the WinKey programmer to explain us why similar data
sequences sent do not always produce the same CW outputs (according to
this log), before spending time to write / test / qualify an ugly and
error-prone patch that we're not sure of ?
Larry - F6FVY
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