[WT-support] Speed jumps up occasionally
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Wed Dec 1 19:26:32 CET 2010
The fact that it was "worse" on one computer than the others indicates an
environmental issue, not a Win-Test bug. Is that computer any slower than
the others? Does it have less memory? It is quite possible to get CW
glitches if you are trying to run Win-Test and WinXP SP3 on a machine with
less than 1 GB of RAM.
Were all machines using "real" serial (COM) ports for keying or LPT? Or a
USB-to-Serial adapter?
Please describe in detail how the "speed jumped". Did an occasional dot or
dash sound "off" or did the speed jump up 4 WPM or more, send a few letters,
then go back to normal? Or just one letter? Or just part of a letter?
Were *any* scripts assigned to the Alt-V key or any other key in Scripts
Manager? I wrote an AltV script for the K3 to keep the internal keyer speed
in sync with Win-Test, but it can only do that if you never touch the speed
knob on the K3.
If you have access, please send me the .WT4 file and the WT.INI file from
the problem computer.
Bob, N6TV
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:46 AM, John Warburton G4IRN <qrz at dxdx.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Bob
> Three PC's were in use - one was worse than the others for increasing
> speeds but they all suffered from timing issues (which I would expect with
> XP). I know that the station host had developed an ESM script, however I
> switched it off (ESMOFF) when operating and used the + and Ins keys. No
> script calls were made from within the messages; no keys were redefined;
> speed changes were done with Alt-V; the paddle was plugged into the radio's
> keyer.
> John G4IRN.
> On Wed, 1 Dec 2010 00:47:54 -0800, "Bob Wilson, N6TV" <n6tv at arrl.net>
> wrote:
> This is the first time I can recall anyone reporting unexpected CW speed
> jumps when using COM port or LPT port CW keying, not using a WinKey. Are
> you sure that Win-Test was suddenly sending much faster than the speed
> indicated by the rate window, with speed changes not explained by using ++
> and -- in CW messages? Or are you saying that the PC-generated CW was
> "stuttering" (occasionally sending a long dot or dash)?
> Were you using any Win-Test script calls in your CW messages or advanced
> scenarios?
> Did you have any keys redefined as Alt-F9 and or Alt-F10, such as PageUp?
> Was it happening on all computers or just one?
> How were you doing the hand keying? Did you have a Logikey or similar
> wired in parallel, or were you using the radio's internal keyer?
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
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