[WT-support] Issues from ES9C

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Wed Dec 1 11:59:17 CET 2010

Hi Bob and Tõnno

Le 30/11/2010 23:23, Bob Wilson, N6TV a écrit :

>     8. Another small issue. $GRABPARTNER does not trigger AUTOSEND but
>     ALT-SPACE does. One pulls the callsign from the first line in the
>     Stack in the Partner window, the other from the real time field in
>     the Partner window. Can you make them the same so that inserting
>     call with ALT-SPACE would also not trigger AUTOSEND? Because when it
>     does then it is not possible to create a Tail End script/message
>     which would allow toggling AUTOSEND ON/OFF during the contest like
>     it is possible with GRABPARTNER.
> I agree that calls grabbed from the real time partner window with
> Alt-Space, or the activation of $SPACEBAR, should not trigger autosending.

1/ I can't see any link between $SPACEBAR and the autosending. Can you 
elaborate, please ?

2/ If you don't want the autosending to be triggered with an Alt-Space, 
I guess this rule should also apply to Alt-1, Alt-2 etc. and Ctrl-1, 
Ctrl-2 etc., right ?


Larry - F6FVY

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