[WT-support] MKII Repeat with DVK

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Aug 26 23:54:54 CEST 2010

Hi Jens

dl2ajb at gmx.net a écrit :

> I try to use the DVK of MKII with WinTest 4.5.1. Works fine. But in repeat mode on F1 the message send out continuously without a breake. How i can setup a short breake to listen to the band ;)

Set the repeat time with Tools / Auto CQ repeat.

If you're using the MKII sound card (microHAM codec) with the Win-Test 
internal DVK, it sets the time between the end of the message and the 
start of the following one.

If you're using the MKII DVK, it sets the time elapsed between two calls.


Larry - F6FVY

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