[WT-support] sending QTC´s WAEDC
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Fri Aug 13 19:51:31 CEST 2010
You have it correct, though you would have to press [UP arrow] then F6 to
repeat the callsign. The yellow line always highlights what will be sent.
Another option: if you think you will need to send a lot of repeats,
instead of pressing [Insert] to send each QTC, you can use [Enter] instead.
That sends the QTC but does *not* move the yellow line down.
There are two buttons on the screen:
[INS ... Send QTC ++]
[CR ... Send QTC ]
The "++" means "and move to the next QTC"
"CR" stands for "Carriage Return" (from the old days of typewriters and
mechanical TTY machines). Today it means "Enter."
If you use [Enter] to send a QTC, you have to press [Down Arrow] then
[Enter] to send the next one.
In sum, use [Insert] to send each QTC when you think the other station has
good copy. Use [Enter] and [Down Arrow] when they don't, as that will make
it easier to send repeats.
Bob, N6TV
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Jorge Diez - CX6VM <
cx6vm.jorge at adinet.com.uy> wrote:
> Hello,
> Wich are the common steps to send QTC´s for WAEDC contest?
> I do that:
> 1- Ctrl L appears a windows and 10 QTC´s is selected so I did Enter
> 2- F2 to send the QTC number
> 3- INS to send each QTC
> BUT the yellow lines is not the QTC I am sending, so if I need to repeat
> the CALL, I need to do arrow down to move to the line before the yellow line
> (the line of the QTC I am sending) to press F6 to repeat the call, or click
> in the callsign field I want to repeat.
> Finally + to end QTC´s
> That´s OK? This is how it works?
> Thanks,
> Jorge
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