[WT-support] MK2R protocol slow down WT
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Aug 12 23:58:25 CEST 2010
You are never forced to use the microHAM control protocol with the MK2R.
Full function is available without it (except for the DVK when you have no
parallel cable connected to your PC, but you can use your sound card and the
Win-Test internal DVK instead).
1. In the microHAM *Router* program, go to the *SO2R *tab
2. Select *Classic Auto Control*
3. Define which unused virtual *COM port* pins you want to use for the
three options: *TX Focus*, *RX Focus*, and *Stereo Headphones *(choose
DTR or RTS, for each).
4. If you have the parallel cable connected to your PC, define which pins
to use for DVK control
5. In the Win-Test *Interfaces configuration* screen, define the same
virtual COM ports used in step 3 as *Other interface*
6. Press the *[Configure ...]* button
7. Set DTR / RTS to *Active Radio, Headphones control*, or *Stereo RX
Audio*, taking care to exactly match what you defined in step 3 in the
microHAM SO2R tab.
8. Press *[OK]*
9. Back at the Win-Test Interfaces configuration screen, *uncheck* the
COM port that says *microHam MK2R/MK2R+* (this is the most important
10. Press *[OK]* again and all the delays should be gone. Win-Test will
no longer use the MK2R control protocol for TX / RX switching, it will use
virtual COM port pins. The Advanced SO2R scenarios should work fine.
Bob, N6TV
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Luca NCJ <ik2ncj at fastwebnet.it> wrote:
> Hi
> Scenario:
> WT. dev. 4.6 using SO2R advanced
> MK2R with 5.0 firmware and 7.7.1 router.
> CW by com ports on both radios
> SO2R scenarios do work well using MK2R standard protocol, but it happens
> that CW messages start with much delay (abt 2 secs) when the key is pressed.
> If I disable the protocol from the com port of WT everything is fine (of
> course I cannot use anymore scenarios)
> Any suggestion?
> Luca IK2NCJ at D4C (preparing for WAE CW)
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