[WT-support] Automating Swap VFO with FT1000MP

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Aug 2 22:20:16 CEST 2010

Hi Paul

Paul Brice-Stevens a écrit :

> I am trying to work out how you automate (to a single key stroke) 
> swapping VFO's on a FT1000MP.

Create a script named swapVfo.wts (or whatever.wts) w/ the script manager :

swap = wtRadio:GetFreq(WT_RADIO_VFOA);
wtRadio:SetFreq(wtRadio:GetFreq(WT_RADIO_VFOB), WT_RADIO_VFOA);
wtRadio:SetFreq(swap, WT_RADIO_VFOB);

and assign a key to this script.

That should do the trick. I don't own a FT1000MP...


Larry - F6FVY

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