[WT-support] $13 in F1 messages also logs the callfield
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Sep 28 12:42:22 CEST 2009
Hi Steef
Steef PA2A a écrit :
> During last weekend we ran the CQWWRTTY with Wt 4.1.0. Our F1 message
> started with a newline $13. If the call field was having a call that did
> not respond to the F2 report, giving CQ by F1 before removing the
> station with ALT-W logged the non-worked call. Removing the $13 from the
> F1 CQ messaged solved the problem. It seems the $13 is interpreted by
> the logscreen.
> I can 't recreate the problem here at home with the same settings.
Nothing wrong here too.
Are you really sure they called CQ by hitting F1 at that time ??? I'd
rather think that ESM was engaged and they hit Enter *before* clearing
the callsign field, and so, the QSO was entered ???
Honestly, I can't any reason in the code why $13 would be interpreted by
the log entry function.
If you find a way to make the bug happen again, please inform.
Larry - F6FVY
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