[WT-support] Registration Question
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Fri Sep 25 05:05:34 CEST 2009
You can still get a V3 key after buying V4, just email the required
info to F6FVY (call, acct no. & computer codes).
Bob N6TV
On 9/24/09, Robert Pack, NX5M <nx5m at txcyber.com> wrote:
> Yes, I am 100% sure I have taken the proper steps. However, I did register
> V4 but am not using it because it will not run on some of the computers I
> have here (WIN98 for example) and I did not know that this would happen
> until after I had registered V4. When I got to the 98 machines, which were
> the last ones out of the group, that is when I found that V4 would not run.
> I am not going to buy 3 more computers so I guess I have just hit a brick
> wall. It is not important that I had wintest running on the last 2
> computers, but I have to stick with V3 because a couple of the computers in
> my station setup are WIN98 machines and I have to use them.
> No big deal.......thanks for the reply.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bob Wilson, N6TV
> To: support at win-test.com
> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 3:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [WT-support] Registration Question
> Did you just copy your entire Win-Test folder from one computer to
> another? Don't do that, as that will prompt a re-register (WT.INI will get
> overwritten).
> After registering, it is important to cleanly close Win-Test to ensure
> that reg. key is written to WT.INI. If you're just rebooting Win98 or
> powering down, that may not be happening. Look in your WT.INI file in your
> Win-Test installation directory (for V3) to see if the reg. key is "taking".
> Remeber each PC has to request its own unique reg. key. They are unique
> to every computer. You can't share a single reg. key between two computers,
> but you only have to have to buy one license, for all of your computers.
> Did you ever register for WT V4? Once you do that, you will only be able
> to get Win-Test V4 reg. keys from the website. V4 reg keys will not work
> with Win-Test V3.
> If this doesn't answer your questions, please tell us step-by-step what
> you are doing to register the PC, and what you see when you restart
> Win-Test.
> In sum, install Win-Test clean, select Help | Register Win-Test on each
> computer. Paste the unique computer code into the Win-Test web site and
> request a registration key for that computer. Paste the registration key
> (received via email) into the register Window for each computer, one at a
> time (different codes). Close and restart Win-Test. You should no longer
> be prompted as if in demo mode.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Robert Pack, NX5M <nx5m at txcyber.com>
> wrote:
> I have a couple of computers running WIN98 that I wanted to register
> Wintest on simply so that those monitors will display rate and summary
> information. Downloaded 3.26.0, installed and registered but I am still
> being told that they are NOT registered.
> What am I missing?
> Bob
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