[WT-support] Automatic dupe checking

Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Sun Sep 20 01:46:42 CEST 2009

No it doesn't that's the whole point, nothing is displayed until the 
shift key is pressed even when that Tools | Data Entry | Exchange 
Guessing| Automatically combo is selected. Ditto if after delay

I only ever use one mode, and that's CW.

I've no idea what happens in the Check Partial window as I don't use it- 
just copy what I hear.

This happens in any contest and in any v4.x of WT. Specifically I'm 
using 4.2.0 dev. Today specifically in the SAC contest but in every 
other contest I've used to date

Do you use ESM; is it an issue thereof perhaps ?



Bob Wilson, N6TV wrote:
> If you check Tools | Data Entry | Exchange Guessing | Automatically, 
> and you type in a duplicate callsign, WT says "dupe" at the bottom in 
> red without you having to press any other keys.
> If you're not seeing "DUPE", make sure the band and mode are the same 
> as in the previous contact.
> Does the call show as a dupe (different color) in the Check Partial 
> windows?
> If DUPE only appears when you press the space bar, even when 
> "automatically" is checked, then I have no idea why that could 
> happen.  Which version of Win-Test are you using?  Which contest have 
> you selected?
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Clive Whelan 
> <clive.whelan at btinternet.com <mailto:clive.whelan at btinternet.com>> wrote:
>     I think this is called exchange guessing? ( though I have no idea
>     why!)
>     I consistently fail to get an automatic dupe check having set exchange
>     guessing and callsign check in data entry as automatic. This is only
>     executed when the space bar is pressed. What am I doing wrong?
>     73
>     Clive
>     GW3NJW
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