[WT-support] Cabrillo error with WT4
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Oct 15 23:19:14 CEST 2009
Are you using two radios, or two receivers in one radio? As you probably
know, there's currently no way to dedicate the secondary radio window to a
Sub-Receiver (or a VFO B).
If you have two radios, is it also computer controlled? Is the frequency
display (of both VFOs) accurate in the Radio 1 / Radio 2 band map windows?
What type of radios are you using?
Win-test always uses the frequency of VFO A in the log; perhaps you were
using VFO B to make the QSO on the secondary radio, and VFO A was stuck on
28450? Or, if you're using an FT-1000MP or similar, and it is in "Memory
Tune" mode, Win-Test will incorrectly log all QSOs based on the value of
VFO A, not the "memory tune" frequency that you see on the radio.
These are just some possible explanations, to give you some things to check.
Bob, N6TV
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Tõnno Vähk <Tonno.Vahk at gildbankers.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> I was just making cabrillo from my SAC SSB log where I used WT4 for the
> first time.
> Something very strange happened.
> For 3 QSOs out of 770 WT put WRONG BAND into Cabrillo.
> Those are all 2nd radio QSOs. The band is correct in the log file BUT when
> I open Edit > Edit Date, Time... and check the frequency then it is wrong.
> For example – I made zero QSOs on 10 meters but my QSO with 8S0C which is
> on 20m and also shows 20m in the log (counted correctly in Summary, etc) has
> frequency 28450 attached to it and thus Cabrillo shows 28450!
> This is 1st time I used SO2R with one computer and Secondary Radio Window.
> It is obvious that there is one very serious bug there – frequency is not
> taken correctly and even when band is recorded correctly frequency is taken
> probably at the wrong time or sth.
> I have 3 QSOs wrong and I cannot quite understand where this wrong
> frequency comes from. It looks like old frequency. It looks like that maybe
> the Secondary Radio Window freezes the frequency on the time when you start
> entering sth to callsign field and does not actually take the frequency at
> the time when Enter is pressed, can this be it???
> I can send the log file if you wish. It is also strange that when frequency
> is 28450 then log shows 20m!
> 73
> Tonno
> Es5tv
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