[WT-support] Automating Caps Lock binding
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Sat Oct 10 16:51:04 CEST 2009
Good work Clive.
Bob, N6TV
On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 5:03 AM, Clive Whelan
<clive.whelan at btinternet.com>wrote:
> Further to earlier postings and Larry's kind additions of new API calls,
> this may now readily be achieved. You must be using 4.2.0-dev rev. 187
> or later.
> Save the following
> wtApp:ToggleCapsLock();
> as a file named toggleradio.wts in
> C:\Documents and settings\All users\Application data\Win-test\Scripts
> Then start and finish your (CW) F1 message with the following
> So that e.g. my own F1 for the EU sprint is as follows
> Now when you call CQ the data entry focus will automatically switch to
> the secondary radio, and at the end of the CQ it reverts to the primary
> radio. So e.g. I CQ and then hear DX1DX- being a new mult. -on the
> secondary radio, and can enter it immediately into the secondary radio
> window from the keyboard. In my own case using ESM ( modified esm.wts) I
> can then just hit enter, and the CQ is interrupted and $MYCALL is dumped
> on the secondary radio. YMMV
> Some people like this approach, and others do not: des gouts et des
> couleurs.
> 73
> Clive
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