[WT-support] recording messing up cw sending

Matt IZ3EYZ iz3eyz at virgilio.it
Mon Nov 30 22:37:13 CET 2009

>Nice while it worked but shortly after starting the program and recording 
>the computer got into problems and started to mess up cw sending.

It happened spotty for abt 15mins on Sat late afternoon and just on one pc.

>In some cases froze for a few seconds completely.

This way it worked the whole contest on all the recording PCs and it 
happened since the 1st hr! It got frozen for 1-2 secs and wouldn't send cw 
for abt 5 or 10secs.
I found switching to Alt-K and pressing F key or sending thru keyboard mode 
solved the cw sending trouble.

>Checked the Task Manager and having the recording on definitely resulted in 
>having 100% processor capacity reached occasionally for some reason and I 
>guess that is where the >problem comes from.

CPU usage was ok here (60% on peaks) . Memory as well. (abt 26mb nearly half 



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