[WT-support] CQ Repeat doesn't stop for R2

Franta Bendl dj0zy at i--i.de
Mon Nov 9 19:35:25 CET 2009


I used in UDX Contest the new Version 4.3.0-dev and I checked that there is 
still an old problem. So I want ask if there is a hope to change this 
behaviour in the new Version for CQWW.

Mode: CW
1. Operating: Advance SO2R
2. Options: Caps Lock binds to the secondary radio
3. Tools: Automatic CQ Repeat
3. Windows, Secondary radio
4. Press F1, CQ is being sent repeatedly (R1)
5. Press any Character-Key to type in a Callsign
6. Repeating of CW stops                                  [OK] 
7. Press Caps Lock (secondary radio window switch to yellow)
8. Press F1, CQ is being sent repeatedly (R2)
9. Preass any Character-Key to type in a Callsign
10. Repeating of CW doesn't stop                     [Bug ?]
11. You must hit [ESC] to stop the CQ Repeat

It's really a pain to have in mind that you must hit [ESC} to stop the 
repeating of CQ at R2 while it isn't necessary at R1. Or is there any option 
which I didn't detect to control it?

73 de Franta/DJ0ZY

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