[WT-support] Win-Test 3.26.0
Olivier F5MZN
olecam at f5mzn.org
Thu Mar 26 21:47:23 CET 2009
Windows v3.26.0 is now available:
http://download.win-test.com/wt-3.26.0.exe [10MB, full version]
http://download.win-test.com/wt-3.26.0-update.exe [2.6MB, update only]
Good luck in WPX Contest
73 de Olivier / f5mzn
Release information v3.26.0 (Mar 26, 2009)
- Partner window : Delete item added to the contextual menu. You can
also use a Ctrl-Dbl-Click a la Bandmap. No confirmation asked.
- RTTY windows : The middle mouse button acts the same as the left
mouse button in the stream display, except that selection (if any)
is stacked in the Partner window.
- RTTY and CW : New variables.
$CURRENT (or $CURRENTCALL) : Sends the callsign of the current QSO
*despite* the presence of a $CR (always executed on message keypress)
later in the message.
$NEXT (or $NEXTCALL) : Sends the callsign of the next QSO line when
a $CR is included in the message.
$PREV (or $PREVCALL) : Sends the callsign of the previous QSO line.
$GRABPARTNER : Grabs the first callsign from the Partner window and
insert it in the callsign field. The exchange guessing is performed
(or not) according to the manual callsign entering setting (Tools /
Data entry / Exchange guessing).
To summarize, you can now enter a QSO (with correction or not),
grab another callsign from the Partner window and send his report
in one keystroke, by using :
($F2 is supposed to be the sent report)
If you want to manually grab a callsign from the Partner window
you can use :
$PREV TU NOW $LOGGED $F2 ($F2 is supposed to be the sent report)
1/ Use the enter key to silently enter the current Q
2/ Grab the next callsign from the Partner wnd (dbl-click or Alt-n)
3/ Send the above message
- Custom variables support added. Mostly designed for the DXPed mode,
this feature allows to create custom variables and set the value
very quickly. Example : $REGION or $UP for a split up value.
Use the Options / CW (or RTTY) / Custom variables... menu to set
the names and the value of these variables to be used in your CW or
RTTY messages. You can also use the VARIABLES text command.
You can also easily set a variable value by entering its name in
the callsign and "Enter". WARNING : Don't chose a variable name
that is already used or it won't work...
Tnx K5AC @ K5D.
- Yaesu FT-450 supported. Tnx F8IJV, F6DEX.
- Yaesu FT-950 supported. Tnx EA8AY.
- ARRL DX and ARRL 10 : KH6 and KL7 stations are now exclusively
identified as being not located in HI and AK by the CTY*.DAT file.
Tnx AD1C and G4MJS.
- CW and RTTY keyers : $FREQnn (like $FREQ160, $FREQ80 etc.) variables
added. Sends the freq of the primary radio of the first networked
station found on this band with the following priority : R, R+, M,
and M+. In addition, in CW, if the frequency is round, no decimal
point (or kHz) are send. If not, the decimal point is replaced by
an R. Ex 14021.0 is sent as 14021 and 14021.1 is sent as 14021R1.
- Status Window (Alt-J) : To improve consistency across the software,
new contextual menu item to Pass a frequency to the Sub VFO of the
active radio (if the radio permits). An Alt-Dbl-Click on the
frequency works too, like in the bandmaps windows.
- Sked Window (Alt-B) : To improve consistency across the software,
an Alt-Dbl-Click on a sked passes its frequency to the Sub VFO of
the active radio (if the radio permits), like in the bandmaps.
- CW / RTTY : The leading zeros setting is now different for each
mode, but the text commands (LZ/NOLZ etc.) remain the same.
Tnx N6TV, KR7X.
- RTTY setup : New option to favor or not auto-highlighted mults
when using the Ins key. Tnx TK5EP.
- RTTY wnds : New option in the contextual menu to "invert"
(Letters / Figures) the selection. Tnx DL6RAI.
- RTTY wnds : The 599nn, 599nnn and 599nnnn reports are now correctly
interpreted and the 599 part is stripped. Tnx DL4NER.
- PACC contest new rules : Non-PA stations are no more restricted to
mixed mode. The Cabrillo output has been consequently updated.
Tnx F5IN.
- Bugfix : Under certain conditions the CLEARLOGNOW text command
could lead to a crash. Tnx DL6RAI @ DQ4W.
- Bugfix : UBA Spring contests : Sections were missing in the
section list displayed in the Alt-Z wnd. Tnx F5IN, ON7TK.
- Bugfix : ARRL Contests : The content of the ARRL-SECTION or LOCATION
field of the Cabrillo output file can be modified to comply with
the ARRL/RAC sections list. Tnx W2NRA.
- Bugfix : (Task #241) Minimum offtime for CQWW 160 is now 30 min.
Tnx K1DG.
- Bugfix : NAQP and NA Sprint RTTY : The $MYNAME wasn't working in
this mode. Tnx YV5TX.
- Bugfix : (Task #239) Packet monitor wnd (Alt-O) : Scrollbar issues
when its content is over 65535 lines. So, this wnd is now limited
to the last 65535 lines. Tnx G4MJS.
- Bugfix : CQWW WPX now appears in the current month contest if we
are in february (because of the RTTY leg). Tnx DL6RAI.
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