[WT-support] Win-Test v4 announcement
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Tue Jun 23 11:43:39 CEST 2009
Hi Win-Test users !
The Win-Test team is very pleased to inform you of the first release of
the so-awaited version 4 of Win-Test.
Even if all dreamed and scheduled features are not yet implemented in
this very first version 4.0.0, it already includes these major new
developments :
- Rotators controls : Based on a server architecture allowing future
extensions, it currently supports the following interfaces and protocols
: AlphaSpid RAK, EA4TX - RCI SE, HyGain DCU-1, Protistel and Yaesu.
Allows antenna groups (stacks or on different rotors).
- Integrated contest MP3 recorder and player.
- ESM (Enter Sends Messages) mode. Can be mixed with the classical usage
of the function keys messages. When the ESM is enabled, as the return
key *can't* be used anymore to log silently a QSO, the key combination
Ctrl+Plus has been introduced and added for this purpose.
- Variable speed for the integrated voice keyer : An exclusive Win-Test
feature! You can play your voice files at a different speed (between
-20% and +70%) from the original recording speed.
- On the fly callsign pattern check based on the K1TTT callsign.pat file
(over 400 rules applied today). You are encouraged to report the author
any mistakes or improvements of this file (k1ttt at arrl.net).
- Improved F10 window with graphical indication of the sun status on
both sides of the QSO.
- Voice messages are now stored in different directories depending on
the operator / log callsign and contest type.
- Enhanced keyboard mode.
- Data (.wt4) and notes (.not) files can be transferred thru the WT
network without needing any file or directory sharing. Very convenient
to gather all logs in a multi-stations environment once the contest is over.
- Foundations of a Win-Test scripting language based on Lua
(http://www.lua.org) to allow future extensions.
- Enhanced compatibility with Vista and Seven (Auxiliary and ini files
are now stored in the Application Data/Win-Test - for XP - and
ProgramData/Win-Test - for Vista - hierarchy)
- Various other small improvements you will discover by yourselves !
Win-Test 4.0.0 will be introduced in the Hamfest 2009 in
Friedrichshafen. We will be on the Appello GmbH booth (A1-413) and we
hope to meet you there ! Many tnx to Carsten DL6LAU and his team for
their precious help.
The version 4.0.0 is listed at 50 Euros, and the upgrade from version 3
is listed at 20 Euros (see below for free upgrade conditions).
Friedrichshafen Special : The 50 first buyers in Friedrichshafen on
Friday and Saturday will get a free Win-Test goodie !
/!\ WARNING /!\ : The download, buy and register pages of our Web site
for this new version will be opened *only* after June 29. You will be
informed on this list.
We would like to thank our beta testers who spent much time to track
bugs and malfunctions during the development : José CT1BOH, Ben DL6RAI,
Werner DL4NER, Pablo EA4TX, Mike F5IN, Philippe F6IFY, Bob N6TV and
Jozef OM7ZZ.
We remind you that collected funds by Win-Test sales are exclusively
dedicated to the non-profit association RACK (Radio Amateur Club de
Kourou) to help our contest activities, especially the FY5KE activation
during international contests.
Q & A
Q : What is the free upgrade policy applied from v3 to v4 ?
A : We apply an one-year free upgrade policy. It means that if you
bought Win-Test v3 one year ago or less (June 26 2008 or later), you are
eligible for a *FREE* upgrade to version 4. In all cases, if you are
eligible, you will be notified by a private email to the adress you
provided when you bought your WT 3 copy. Then, you will be able to
download, freely install and register your v4 copy. You can also
consider to make a donation if you want. (Contact sales at win-test.com)
Q : What is the upgrade policy of this new version 4 ?
A : We decided to keep the same policy as for version 3. It means that
all version 4 upgrades will be free, and for one year for version 5
starting at your purchase (or upgrade) date.
Q : Can I have a registered WT3 and a registered WT4 in the same
installation directory ?
A : We totally discourage it. If you want to keep and use a v3, and also
use a v4, it is mandatory to install each of them in a different
directory. If not, after registering the v4 (see below), your v3 will be
automatically un-registered. Of course, if you decide not to keep a v3,
you can install your v4 and register it in the same existing directory.
But note that the Win-Test auxiliary files are now installed in the
Application Data\Win-Test\ directory.
Q : I bought the v4 / I bought the v4 upgrade / I'm eligible for free
upgrade. Do I need to register again ?
A : *YES* ! Once the v4 is installed you need to register your v4 copy
to remove the usual limitations of the WT software. If you own several
computers where WT is installed you need to ask a registration key for
each of them.
Q : I'm not interested in version 4. Will you continue development on
version 3 ?
A : Unfortunately not. The version 3.27.0 is the last release, and we
will no more improve it. Nevertheless, we will give help for users who
chose to use it, and maintain it *only* in the case of major breaking bugs.
Q : Are you still selling the version 3 ?
A : No. As the v3 will not improve anymore, we think it is a bad idea to
keep selling a discontinued software.
Q : I have numerous log files created with v3. Are they compatible with
version 4 ?
A : WT 4 will automatically convert your v3 logs to the new v4 .wt4
format, and save the original v3 .wtb file if you want. This allows you
to re-open this file with a WT 3 - just in case ! See above how to keep
using a registered v3.
Q : In a networked environment, can we mix WT v3 and WT v4 ?
A : No. As usual, you must have the same WT version on every connected
Have fun with WT 4 !
The Win-Test team
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