[WT-support] Database (.DTB) files - naming convention? Determining .DTB being used?
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Wed Jul 22 21:29:18 CEST 2009
Bob Wilson, N6TV a écrit :
> 1. How does Win-Test determine the /name/ of the contest-specific
> /name/.DTB file you must create (where is the "official" complete
> list?)
There is no defined pattern. It mostly depends on the contest name (not
so obvious, because sometimes the local language of the organizers is
used), and sometimes on DX or domestic side.
The current list is here :
(Only databases present in this directory are listed)
> 2. What .DTB file name do you use for OK/DX contest? I tried
> OKOM.DTB, OK_OM.DTB and OK-OM.DTB, but Win-Test ignored them and
> used HF.DTB instead.
Unlucky :-( It is OKOMDX.DTB. By chance, I found a file (from 2004) in a
deep directory of my dvpt PC that seems to be adapted to this contest. I
will check it, and upload it if it is OK.
I will also update the above list, even if there are no DTB available.
> 3. How can you determine which .DTB file Win-Test loaded (and which
> file the UPDATEDB command will modify without warning)?
Normally, WT only updates DTB that are different from HF.DTB. As you
mentioned it is loaded and you can catch its name while the progress
window is displayed. But I confess it is not very convenient.
> 4. Are .DTB files eventually going to be replaced by something else
> in V4? They are rather hard to work with.
We considered using a single text file for all databases, but we have
had other more important priorities for the v4. Maybe later?
Larry - F6FVY
PS : BTW I found a bug while testing this contest. The CW cut numbers
characters were translated even if an OK/OM district was entered ! Fixed...
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