[WT-support] wtRotators software

Don Richards W7UPF donsay2 at cox.net
Mon Jul 20 23:28:30 CEST 2009

When using <wtRotators.exe> in a "stand-alone" function I don't see a 
way to provide an "offset" figure to compensate for any slippage in an 
antenna orientation in relation to the rotor mount. Slippage can and 
does occur and at my age I would prefer to provide an "offset" figure 
when setting up <wtRotators> rather than climbing a 100 foot tower and 
physically readjusting the antenna even though that is a long-term 
preference.  The only  alternative appears to be is to remember to add 
or subtract an offset-degree each time one enters a direction change.  
That is not realistic in a "contest" situation.  Is there a way to 
enter, one time, an offset figure during software setup? 


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