[WT-support] Rotator
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Jul 7 22:45:54 CEST 2009
1. Start, All Programs, Win-Test 4, wtRotators
2. Start, All Programs, Win-Test 4, Win-Test
3. Type a call and press [Ctrl-F12]
4. You should see a message in the wtRotators window: "Set DCU-1 rotator
to: 031" or similar.
5. If not, Options, Win-Test Network properties.
6. Is "Disable Communications With Win-Test" checked? If so, remove the
check mark.
7. For running everything on a single computer, I suggest using the
loopback address in *both *Win-Test and wtRotators: **
8. Controllers, Edit, [name of your rotator]
9. Is "Rotations Limits" checked? If appropriate, remove the check mark.
10. Is a "Heading range" defined? If so, remove the range.
11. Question: what is the difference between "Rotations Limits" and
"Heading range"?
12. Finally, select Controllers, Initialize
13. Fire up Win-Test, enter a callsign and press [Alt-F12] or [Ctrl-F12]
and report the results. Do you see the message described in Step 4? Does
the rotator turn?
I don't have a computer-controlled rotator, so I can't try this myself.
When I select Windows, Rotators, I don't see anything other than the three
tabs in the tiny rotators window, which seems odd. But when I type a call
and press [Ctrl-F12], I do see a message in other program, in the wtRotators
window, so I know the two programs are communicating.
Bob, N6TV
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 11:15 AM, <f8cil at wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I seem to have a small problem with WinTest 4 rotator.
> On the rotator part I have installed Hy-Gain DCU-1 (my rotator is a G-1000
> coupled with the rotor card DXA from Idiom Press)
> Linked with a USB serial adapter (all work with other software Logger32 -
> HRD).
> So the problem is with the command
> ALT F12 - No function
> CTRL F12 - No function
> Nothing on the green screen (only -- -- -- --)
> When I click on the left arrow the antenna turn but cw right
> When I click on the right arrow the antenna turn also on cw right
> When I right click on the green windows and click on an angle all is
> working
> well !!!
> Other thing with the last example. If I'm between 0 and 180° the 2 arrows
> give a cw right
> But if I'm on the portion between 180 and 360° the two arrows give only a
> ccw left
> In Option Win-Test Network Properties all seem to be ok
> Any ideas or suggestion ?
> 73 from F8CIL Pascal
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