[WT-support] SO2R on 2 networked computers
Carolyn Gyger
pinkchicken at cox.net
Tue Jan 27 18:11:46 CET 2009
Hi Rick,
Thanks for that info. I can see how it would work for two single band entries. What I'm really wondering about, however, is whether it will work for a single op all band entry where the exchange includes serial numbers such that the computers have to stay in sync in order for each rig to be able to give out the right number. With single band entries, each computer would maintain its number, but I'm not sure whether a single op all band entry would work since it would require immediate updating to avoid duplicate serial numbers being given out. WPX RTTY is a perfect example of the problem; even M/S and M/2 entries have to keep a single sequential log for that one.
Carolyn, K0AN
"Be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Dougherty NQ4I
To: support at win-test.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: [WT-support] SO2R on 2 networked computers
Hi Carolyn...Win-Test will do an beautiful job with two machines as SO2R...we have done it numerous time here at NQ4I in single band contests...this past weekend we did it with 2 rigs and 2 computers networked...ogs were perfect...good luck de Rick NQ4I
2009/1/27 Carolyn Gyger <pinkchicken at cox.net>
A friend recently asked me whether WT would allow SO2R operation on 2 machines in a network like WL does. I think the idea is to have greater reliability and flexibility, especially for RTTY. Does anyone know if this is allowed and whether it will work while keeping the logs synchronized?
Carolyn K0AN
"Be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi
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