[WT-support] FSK key and EZMASTER
Carlos Neves (CT3FQ)
ct3fq at ct3team.com
Mon Jan 26 13:03:09 CET 2009
Thanks again Bob for your help.
Well Bob, I wish ezmaster works like microham MK2R device with win-test.
Please, let me explain better my problem...
I have all setup correct, as is in the wiki win-test documents. In
win-test menu "configure interfaces" I have chose "ezmaster" in COM1,
and, in the "ezmaster configuration" option, I have checked the DTR
and RTS ( see http://www.ct3team.com/downloads/ezmaster1.png), as you
can see, win-key is disable, and there is a YAESU in radio A, and an
ICOM in radio B (http://www.ct3team.com/downloads/ezmaster2.png).
For FSK I use the COM2 connected to the AUX ezmaster. I have to run
two instances of MMTTY, one for Radio A (left audio) and other to
Radio B (right audio) configured with NONE in MMTTY "Radio command"
and EXTFSK defined to TX. Please note that EXTFSK has DTR for FSK
and RTS to PTT ( I don't use TXD!). For your information I'm running
EXTFSK over a Eterlogic virtual comm (COM3)
(http://www.ct3team.com/downloads/mmtty.png) because I need to have two
EXTFSKs running in the same real COM2
(http://www.ct3team.com/downloads/vspe.png), one for radio A, and other
for Radio B.
This configuration works for me in all modes, and was the only way
that I have found to run RTTY SO2R with win-test with only 2 cables
connected to the ezmaster. (http://www.ct3team.com/downloads/win-test.png).
Last sunday, I decided to eliminated another cable connection and try
EXTFSK direct in the same USB cable of ezmaster. Why not? I have the
working example of CW mode that keys the two radios with DTR and RTS (
remember that I have win-key option disable, because it doesn't works
for me in CW). I have changed the two EXTFSK on a new virtual COM
shared with ezmaster and win-test. When I saw the ezmaster red PTT led,
and Data led blinking, I was happy! Unfortunately, I have PTT but no FSK
data to the radios.
After a timewaste of hours doing ezmaster firmware downgrades and
upgrades to fix the bug (?), I decided to ask for help in this mail list...
I don't know if in future win-test will provide FSK key via EZMASTER
USB connection and use MMTTY engine only for RX .. or even a better
solution? Let's see the next win-test releases for RTTY contests...
Bob Wilson, N6TV wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 2:52 PM, ct3fq at ct3team.com
> <mailto:ct3fq at ct3team.com> <ct3fq at ct3team.com
> <mailto:ct3fq at ct3team.com>> wrote:
> With two serial ports, all works well for me. If we have the
> ezmaster in
> COM1 and the EXTFSK in COM2, win-test, ezmaster and FSK works fine
> with an extra cable to Ezmaster AUX port!
> I have tested a standalone MMTTY with Ezmaster and it works without
> any problem, but with win-test fails... I'm not sure, but I
> think the
> problem is a Ezmaster firmware bug ( I have the 1.40 RTTY version
> without the FSK board option). Win-test uses Ezmaster in ADVANCED
> and in this mode the FSK doesn't didles the RTTY mode (The PTT
> works and the Data Led blinks but no FSK data to the radios). If we
> changed ezmaster mode to STANDARD or EXTENDED, the FSK begins keying
> the radios without any problem, but win-test stops sending CAT
> commands ... I'm not a software expert but a simple solution will be
> a DTR or RTS redirect to the ezmaster FSK pin out when win-test
> was in RTTY mode.
> My goal is to use the Ezmaster serial device with win-test for FSK
> keying! It's possible?
> I'm not an EZMaster expert, but assuming it works similarly to the
> microHAM boxes, this should be possible. What is the difference
> between Standard, Extended, and Advanced mode, and why do you have to
> use Advanced?
> Without seeing all the detailed SETUP screens for all the software,
> (Win-Test, EZmaster, and MMTTY) it is very difficult to diagnose what
> is wrong. What radio are you using? What COM port is Win-Test using
> for rig control? What COM port is connected to your CAT port? What
> port is being used for PTT? What port is being used for FSK? Did you
> set Radio Port to "None" in MMTTY?
> Are you trying to use the same COM port in Win-Test for both radio
> control and PTT? I don't think you want to use DTR and RTS in
> Win-Test at all. Only let MMTTY control those pins.
> If you can please post some screen shots to the web somewhere (large
> attachments don't make it to this reflector), maybe we can see the
> problem. Just press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-PrintScreen to Copy the active
> window to the Windows clipboard, then Paste into Windows Paint, then
> save as a .PNG file. Do this for every setup screen.
> If that is not convenient, please list every com port, real or
> virtual, and tell us what is connected to it, and what you are
> specifying in Win-test SETUP and MMTTY.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
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