[WT-support] Fw: Win-test/MMTTY/RADIO
Ian Frith Broad Band
Wed Jan 7 17:15:41 CET 2009
Hi Bob
Yes to all your questions.
I am not using any rig blaster micro-ham what ever!..
When WT starts MMTTY and that starts EXTFSK it needs a com port number assigned, as WT has COM 5 assigned to it and no other com port is in use how can EXTFSK work. I am using AFSK through the sound card so of course I don't need to use FSK?
Thanks for the help.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Wilson, N6TV
To: support at win-test.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: [WT-support] Win-test/MMTTY/RADIO
Are you guys using MMTTY EXTFSK for PTT, as described here and here?
Are you selecting Tx Port = COM+TxD (FSK) and setting USB to option C, Limiting processing speed?
In the Win-Test RTTY Setup menu, you my need to temporarily uncheck the "Only show FFT Spectrum, waterfall, and XY Scope" so you can get to the MMTTY options menus when MMTTY is started by Win-Test. You are letting Win-Test start MMTTY, right, so that the two programs will communicate with each other?
It's hard to do diagnosis with only bits and pieces of information. If you can please post screen shots of the following on the web somewhere, that will really help.
1.. Win-Test SETUP screen
2.. Win-Test RTTY Setup screen
3.. Rigblaster virtual COM port / PTT setup screens
4.. MMTTY setup screens (every tab, and any sub-menus that are relevant)
Just press [Ctrl-Alt-Shift-PrintScreen] to copy the active window to the Windows clipboard, then Paste into Windows Paint, then save as a .PNG (portable network graphics) file and post it to the web.
Bob, N6TV
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