[WT-support] Add "Inverse" feature for RTTY

Bernhard Buettner DL6RAI wintest07 at dl6rai.muc.de
Tue Feb 17 07:32:31 CET 2009

Hi Win-Test Team:

during last weekend's CQ WPX RTTY, where Win-Test 3.25.1 performed
flawlessly for us. One little item was discussed in our team:

MMTTY comes with a feature to invert a string on the fly. If
you receive something like 


in MMTTY you click right mouse on the ugly string and it will change to

    DQ4W TNX 599-169-169 &$#-

This comes in handy when trying to extract the serial number from a
transmission that was slightly disturbed by QRM or QSB.

Old time RTTY operators know that

Q = 1
W = 2
E = 3
R = 4
T = 5
Y = 6
U = 7
I = 8
O = 9
P = 0
A = -
X = /

etc. but this is not widely known and not always present in the
operator's head. Couldn't you implement similar function in the WT
RTTY window so that one can invert a string "on the fly", maybe also
by right-clicking the string?

For a quick reference to the Baudot and CCITT-2 code, see 

73 Ben, DL6RAI

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