[WT-support] country files / reload log
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Dec 1 22:09:16 CET 2009
No, Win-Test doesn't work like that. It doesn't change zones you have
entered by hand or selected by default, just because you choose a different
country file. The calculated score may change if Win-Test thinks a QSO is
in a different country than when you logged the QSO, but the exchange data
(zone) will NOT be affected by updating your Country File.
I entered UA0XXX and WT "guessed" that the zone was 18, so I changed it to
19 and pressed Enter.
When I reloaded the log, with a different country file, the zone data for
that QSO still says 19.
If I try to enter a NEW QSO with a DIFFERENT callsign (e.g. UA0XYZ), WT will
guess at whatever zone is in the currently selected country file. It's not
smart enough to figure out that UA0XXX and UA0XXY are in the same zone
(which is OK with me).
After selecting CTY_WT_MOD.DAT and reloading the log, select *Tools | Check
Log | Search for possible pad exchanges* to find all the zone data you
logged that disagree with the current country file guess.
Bob, N6TV
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 4:28 AM, Jorge Diez - CX6VM <
cx6vm.jorge at adinet.com.uy> wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to know something, this is my situation.
> In the station notebook I downloaded the last CTY_WT_MOD.DAT file and did
> the contest with it. Some few zones where bad and I retype the zone with the
> good one I received.
> Now at home, in a DIFERENT notebook, I copy the log and open it. I notice
> that in this computer I have selected CTY.DAT instead of CTY_WT_MOD.DAT. So
> I downloaded CTY_WT_MOD.DAT and did RELOAD LOG NOW.
> Maybe I did something wrong? I think the zones I copied where changed,
> For example:
> UA0XXX gave me 599 19 and I type 19 in my log.
> CTY_WT_MOD.DAT have zone 17 for UA0XXX.
> So if now I do RELOAD LOG NOW and Click on OK will rewrite 17 over 19 for
> I will be back to the station to get the Cabrillo from the same computer I
> use in the contest?
> Thanks!
> 73,
> Jorge
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