[WT-support] DXpedition version mixed HF and VHF operation

Paul Fletcher paul at melreed.demon.co.uk
Mon Aug 17 23:46:01 CEST 2009

For the sake of clarity, we log sent RST, received RST and name. We don't log anything else and all of our details are on the QSL card anyway.

73 Paul M1PAF
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bob Wilson, N6TV 
  To: support at win-test.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 10:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [WT-support] DXpedition version mixed HF and VHF operation

  Well for the ARRL Field Day contest, Win-Test supports logging on every band from 1.8 MHz to 10 GHz (except for the WARC bands).  So, unless there is some hard coded limit on the total number of bands supported, a limit that is too much work to eliminate, I don't understand why it would be so difficult to support all bands in DXpedition mode.

  The "received exchange" doesn't really matter in DXpedition mode either, though I guess logging and tracking the received locator is nice.  But, it's not really required for a DXpeditioner, is it?

  Changing subjects, it's clear that some of the messages being posted to this list today aren't making it through the ARRL.NET forwarding service, or they are being severely delayed.  I just wonder if anyone else noticed this?  I seem some messages in the web archive that never showed up in my email inbox, for some reason.  I looked in my Spam folder too.

  Bob, N6TV

  On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Paul Fletcher <paul at melreed.demon.co.uk> wrote:

    OK - my naivety showing up. Didn't realise all the other stuff required as
    we only log callsign and name. Guess there is a lot of other things going on
    "under the hood".

    It's a shame as we will have to find a work round or consider using an
    alternative logging program (which I don't want to do).

    Thanks for the explanation and clear position on this.

    73 Paul.

    >Data processed in a VHF log are different than data processed in an HF
    >log (e.g. locators in VHF, countries, SR/SS in HF, etc.). The required
    >windows are also different between VHF and HF (e.g. locators - again).
    >It will not be fixed (it's not a bug - it's a feature (TM)).


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