[WT-support] Band map and silent entry
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Sat Aug 15 23:33:39 CEST 2009
On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Clive Whelan
<clive.whelan at btinternet.com>wrote:
> I s'pose I didn't dream that it would be an option as I couldn't
> understand why you wouldn't want to do it ;-)
Some people prefer not to enable automatic band map entry, because they
prefer typing only *partial* callsigns when in S&P mode. Normally that's
all you have to type to determine dupe status via the Check Partial window,
not full callsigns.
If that is indeed the case, perhaps there is also a " QSY wipes" function ?
Yes, just look at the Radio 1/2 Band Map Properties window, or the
documentation link provided in my original reply, and you will see that it
is right there as a separate option.
I'd certainly be interested to hear contrary views of course, but if as
> I suspect there aren't any, than let's adopt it as default and release
> the Ctrl-Enter combo for silent logging.
It is generally not a good idea to change the long-established default
behavior of Win-Test without strong justification for it, especially when
that involves automatically erasing something that you just typed!
Bob, N6TV
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