[WT-support] WAEDC QTC Entry

DF5RF gt-i at gmx.net
Wed Aug 12 23:24:13 CEST 2009

I played a bit during WAEDC to check how good the QTC entry form works.
BTW, I still used WT 3.26.

The following issues came up:

- The QTC sender did a mistake by sending one QTC a second time, which I 
entered in the next line. While I mechanically copied the code and typed 
I didn't realize the problem, but when I finished the 10th line and 
there was an extra QTC I bumped my head!
  => you could Offer to add QTC line #11 even it sounds irregular

- Later I had to correct the whole QTC by "manually shifting" all QSOs 
up. hmmpf.

- The time entry could be automated as follows:
   - hour usually does not change so often, can be copied into next line
   - except do not copy if last minute is 59
   - same for 10th-minutes, can be copied except if last minute digit was 9

- When I request to get one field again, I tabbed through the fields to 
go back, but then I had to manually "backspace" the content. Later I 
found Alt+Backspace would mark the content and swap with previous, so 
Alt+BS+BS solves the problem. Is this by design?

- When the QTC form is open, Alt+TAB (switching to other programs) 
works, but going back does not because WT disappears. This is a bit 
nasty because you need the mouse to go back. (Windows XP Prof SP1)

I did not found how to correct QTCs afterwards - any ideas?
tnx and happy contesting
Gernot DF5RF

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