[WT-support] CW with MK2R+ and Winkeyer

Wolfgang Klier OE2VEL at gmx.at
Sun Aug 9 12:37:13 CEST 2009

Hi everybody!

Startet to work with my new MK2R+ amd Win-Test in the IOTA-contest, really great. One thing, that occured after the contest and that I am not able to change any more ist a delay in the CW-keying. I am using the Winkeyer 2 built in  the MK2R+. 

When pressing F1 to F7 CQ starts about 1 to 2 seconds after pressing the key. When I operate keyboard-mode, there is more than a second pause between each letter. 

No problems when switching to phone and using the DVK, everything works fine. Same when operating the winkeyer directly with the paddle or the keyboard on the MK2R+. Which configuration parameter did I change without noticing it?

Thank you for your help!

Wolf, OE2VEL

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