[WT-support] IOTA contest and non-multiplier QSOs

MM0BQI MM0BQI at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Aug 7 14:58:42 CEST 2009

The advice to multi-op stations who may have worked non mult Qs on the second radio is as follows.

Please do not delete any contacts or edit your Cabrillo log.
Please list the Qs made in error and email them to me at mm0bqi at googlemail.com   The adjudication process will detect them anyway but your list would be very helpful as a cross reference.

Please ask if you require any further information.
Jim,  MM0BQI
IOTA Contest Adjudication Team

On 06/08/2009, Hermann Stein <hb9crv at eblcom.ch> wrote:
We worked the IOTA contest as CR2W from Faial, EU-175 as m/s station.
By error it happened that the multiplier station worked some stations
which are non-mulitplier QSOs.
The rules say:
The second station to be used to find and call other stations only if
the station is a new multiplier. Any non-multiplier QSOs made
accidentally on the second station must be logged, but will be scored
as zero points.
How can I declare those QSOs as invalid? IS there any command in WT
where I can do that? Just deleting the QSOs is not the solution.
Many thanks for your help
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